Friday, July 13, 2012

Online Book Study: Daily 5, Chapter 5

1.  How will you instill the importance (or urgency as the sisters call it) of 'listening to reading' in your students and especially those students who have had little 'lap time' or reading done for them in their own homes?

I think since students find many of the tools used to do Listening to Reading it is not usually a problem to get them to do what is expected. Even way back when we only had "Listening Station" this was always a favorite. 

 2.  What devices or strategies are you going to use to conduct listen to reading?' Will you use a community recording device with one cd and several earphones, individual cd players, tape recorders, ipod-type devices or computers?

Various tools and devices: Books on CD/Tape with listening station is an option, the computer with Tumble Books or BrainPOP Jr. with Closed Caption turned on, Tag Jr. books, MeeGenius books on old SmartPhones or other ebooks that the devices can read aloud.  

3.  What expectations will you have for your students during 'listen to reading' and how will you keep them on task and independent instead of needing your assistance when they can't manage 'devices?'

Sit and Listen, choose another story if still time. 

I create pictorial directions with each device. As an expert (students who's jobs are to help). If still an issue...Read to Self.  

4.  Do you have enough 'listening to reading' type materials? If not, what ideas do you have for securing these materials?  Where will you store them? How will your students retrieve these items? Where will they be used (will there be a designated spot in your class for listen or reading or will it be their choice)?

I think students should first have a chance to choose a spot for the portable items. Bins will contain the items with labels showing that they are choices for Listening to Reading.

5.  What expectations will you have for your students during 'listen to reading' and how will you keep them on task and independent instead of needing your assistance when they can't manage 'devices?'

See #3

6.  The sisters do not really talk about this in their book, but how do you feel about listening response sheets?  Will listening to reading be just for 'listening' or will there be follow-up work required of your students?  If there is reading response sheets, what will they look like?

In the past I've had a graphic organizer for students to complete after listening in a readers response notebook. I still like this idea and will probably add. 

7. I would be remiss to not add this so . . . how can this station be differentiated to meet the various learning profiles, interests and/or readiness of your students?  

The choice of stories is the biggest. Also in the past when I did the old "Listening Station" I had different graphic organizers or story map for students to complete depending on ability. 

Read to Someone Thoughts
This is something that needs to be practiced like the reading to self section. Once students get the idea they really enjoy. I've also liked when we older students come to practice their fluency with students in my class. Learning to sit and be a good listener is quite hard for many students, but with practice and expectations for success it too can be done. 

I also like for students to go and read to the campus administration, office helpers, counselor, their mom/dad if they are a teacher at the school. 

1 comment:

  1. I like using graphic organizers with my listening stations too. It takes some training for them to complete independently but I think it's a great tool.
    Thanks for linking up.
    A Differentiated Kindergarten
